
基于DSP无差拍控制的逆变电源研究 被引量:5

Research of Deadbeat Control Inverter Based on DSP
摘要 随着高性能数字信号处理器的广泛应用,传统模拟控制的逆变技术被数字化电源取代已成为必然趋势。逆变电源因非线性负载等因素引起的干扰,采用常规控制难以获得理想的控制效果。提出一种基于DSP实现的PI控制和无差拍控制方法相结合的数字双闭环控制方法。逆变器控制电路的电流内环采用优化了的数字PI控制方法;电压外环采用干扰预测型无差拍控制方法。该方案将无差拍控制的瞬时响应快,精度高和PI控制简单,参数易整定,鲁棒性好等优点相结合,能够得到更优的控制效果。最后的仿真试验表明,采用数字双闭环控制方法的逆变器具有输出波形好,响应快和负载适应能力强等优点。 With the wide use of high- performance digital signal processor,it is a natural trend that the traditional analog control of the inverter can be replaced by digital technology. Because the nonlinear loads cause the interference, inverter is hard to receive ideal control. This paper introduces a control method based on PI control strategy and non - deadbeat control me thod:Inverter control circuit of the current inner loop choose the optimized digital PI control methods,the voltage loop choose the no deadbeat control methods. This method combines the advantages of PI control and non - deadbeat control. Deadbeat control has good performance at transient state. And PI control is simple, easy parameter setting and robust. Finally, the simulation and test figures show that double - loop control method of the inverter receives a lot of advantage such as output waveform with a good, fast response, and better capacity adapt to the different loads.
出处 《现代电子技术》 2009年第12期189-191,共3页 Modern Electronics Technique
关键词 逆变器 双闭环控制 无差拍控制 DSP inverter double - loop control deadbeat control DSP
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