随着网络技术的发展,电子邮件成为人们日常工作中常用的软件,也是上机考试中一项重要的操作考核内容。针对学生在邮件实际操作实验中,要申请大量的邮件账号这一问题,开发的ArGoSoft Mail Server的WEB页邮件客户端申请系统,在局域网内即可完成学生邮件账号的动态申请与实验操作,与传统教学采用免费WEB邮件系统相比,本系统具有可靠性高,速度快,可操作性强的特点。
Along with the development of network technology, E - mail becomes the common software in ordinary life, and it is also the important content of computer examination. In view of the student' s mail actual operation experiment, and massive mail account applied, WEB client applying system based on net and ArGoSoft Mail Server was developed, so in the network of local area the students can complete the dynamic application and experiment operation. Compared with the traditional teaching of using free WEB mail system, this system has high reliability, quick speed and powerful operability.
Journal of Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences