The Pearl River Delta Economic Zone (PRDEZ) has a continental coast-line of 1 059.1 km. Its 685islands (not including Hong Kong and theau islands) cover an area of 1 237.6 km2 and the island coast-linestotal 1 196.3 km. The affiliated sea areas reach 100 000km2. The PRDix is rich in port arees, beachso, tourism sees and oil and gas wres. Wth the Propos in science and technolgy, muchattenion has been Paid to development of the ocean. It is necessary for the PRDEZ to mp out an amohibiousdecelop strang, which takes land and sea as an integrated axea, tries to fipo out landeq axiationand intermobility, and creathe both land-based and sea-based developmental capacity. The ~on ofthe straegy would promete the susede dsveoprmt of the PRDEZ, as 1) ndtigning the conedction ofhuman-land reahonship in the zon; 2) Pmviding man oppondties for job; 3) PIDviding na resouxces forthe ecowhc deveopmt; 4) fondng an land-sea scientific system for sustrinabe econondc developet; 5)increasing the capacity for long-term econdric growth. In ouler to carry out the amghiliious deveopmentalstratop, some rmco are suggested: 1) to mak an amphibious developnd plan; 2) to create a land-seaindustry system; 3) to promete Ihe devtwt of coastal zon; 4) to Set up an integratal land-seatransportation , prouction and sewice system; 5) to consboct a number of ambi-based engineering projects.
Tropical Geography
Amphibious developmental strategy
The Pearl River Deita
Susninable development