With the econdric and populahon ed, the uxban system is playing a more important role in Guangxiecomic development . The two edn phases of urban development in Cuangxi since the twplemetation of thepelicy of reform and opening to the outside woild are reviewed:1) steady development phase (1978 ~ 1985)and 2) active development phase (1986 ~ 1995). The reasons of fowr level of urbwhzation in Guangxi areanalysed bnd on the investignhon of the present situation of Cuangxi urban system. Th basic zegional factsincluding natuxal resomees, socio-econonic background, traffic and location cowhhons are discued. boideas for urban developmen, such as the edoping way to whbozation, dri layot and utban ndalsmicture system are advaned.
Tropical Geography