
海坛岛海域表层沉积物中主量化学成分的地球化学 被引量:4

Geochemistry of some major chemical compositionin marine sediments of Haitan Island
摘要 本文对海坛岛海域33个表层沉积物中10种化学成分的含量、含量变化和区域平面分布作了描述和探讨。化学成分中Corg、N、P、Fe、AI、Ti、Mg等元素的关性好,和粘土矿物关系密切,从陆源搬运入海;Ca、碳酸盐和上述及粘土含量呈负相关,在富含生物介壳的粗粒沉积中富集;Mn主要赋存于陆源碎屑,而在砾砂中有自生Mn沉积。Q型聚类分析的结果表明,调查区可分为3个地球化学分区,综合反映了沉积物的地球化学特征。 The contents of 10 major chemical compositions of 33 samples in the surface sediments of Haitan Island seas are determined, the horizontal distributions of these composition are described and their control factors are discussed. Correlation analysis shows that positive correlation between pairs of elements , i. e. Corg , N,P,Fe,Al,Ti and Mg,is significant,and with clay they all correlate closely and are derived from terrigenous input. As to calcium and carbonate there is a high positive correlation between themselves,but there are nega- tive correlations between them and clay as well as above elements, respectively. And they are enriched in bio- genic shells in coarse sediments. Concerning Mn,it exists mainly as detritus and is also considered as authi- genic deposit in gravel sand. By the aid of hierarchical clustering method of Q model, as it stands , the sedi- ments may be classified into three geochemical sedimentary zones , which do reflect their geochemical charac- teristics comprehensively.
作者 杨慧辉 陈岚
机构地区 福建海洋研究所
出处 《海洋学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期47-55,共9页
关键词 沉积物 地球化学 海坛岛 海洋沉积 Haitan Island,sediment, geochemistry
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