国际金融危机使得资本市场的结构性弱点彰显,这个市场必须进行改革以吸引机构的长期资金。镛记酒家(Yung Kee Restaurant)是香港市中心一家著名酒店,以前在这里用餐通常需要提前两到三个星期预定。但近几个月来,饭店几乎只有一半的上座率。和大多数亚洲国家一样,香港也没能逃脱金融危机的魔爪。高达两位数的工业生产扩张和“消费饥渴”的中产阶层增长曾使人们一度希望香港地区能躲过全球的经济衰退,
The global financial crisis has highlighted weaknesses in equity market structures. The markets must reform if they are to attract long-term institutional liquidity. Reservations at Yung Kee Restaurant, central Hong Kong's most popular lunch-time haunt, must normally be made two to three weeks in advance. But in recent months, the restaurant has been half full. As with Asia at large, Hong Kong has not escaped the clutches of the crisis. Hopes that the region, buoyed by the double-digit expansion of its industrial production base and a rising consumables-hungry middle class, might evade the global slump have been shattered. The news in March that China's February exports plunged by 25.7% have exposed the absurdity of these hopes.
China Urban Finance