お?Observations of the IAU 1980 nutation daily offsets in longitude (δ△ψ) and obliquity (δ△ε) from Mark Ⅲ VLBI delay data between Aug. 1979 and Jan. 1996 are analyzed for the corrections to coefficients of the largest IAU 1980 nutation terms and for the detection of the free core nutation. The computation is designed for the following general data processing algorithm with skills adopted for a possible best use of the whole data span and a reduction of the edge effect of data series on solutions. Further analysis of the post-fit residuals suggests that the free core nutation is statistically significant and its parameters may be characterized by time-variation, especially for the amplitude, which was decreasing from 1986 to 1995 for both δ△ψ and δ△ε. Geophysical explanation is still leaving unknown.
Publications of the Yunnan Observatoty