Vapor is one of the most important factors which affects radiative transfer in atmo-sphere. Field observated results showed that its content near surface layer was obviouslydifferent between inside and outside parts of Oasis edge. In this paper, the effects of vaporon transmittance, radiance and comparison between observation and model results werecarried by running MODTRAN model. This model was developed over past 25 years at theUS Air Force Philllips Laboratory, it can be used to calculate the transmittance and/or theradiance for a specified path through the atmosphere, the spectral region is partitioned into1 cm^(-1) bin for various radiative calculation. The data used in calculation were collectedduring Arid Environment Compressive Monitor Plan'95. At the same time, transmittancein solar nearinfrared 1. 55 - 1. 75μm band and atmospheric window 10.2 - 12.0μmbandwere calculated, vertical structure of the radiance and transmittance were also pre-sented. the results can be concluded as following five aspects: (1)Air temprature and vapormixing ratio near surface layer were obviously different between inside and outside of Oa-sis edge, the maximal values reached 3. 3℃ and 3. 3g/kg. (2)The relative error of down-ward radiation flux density between observation and model result at site D1 and O1 were8. 0% and 8. 1% for shortwave, 7. 5% and 4. 9% for longwave. (3)Vapor and aerosl aremore important factors in calculating downward radiation flux density, especialy arosol forsolar radiation and vapor for longwave radiation. (4) The discrepancy of transmittance was0. 0015 in nearinfrared 1. 55 - 1. 75μm band, 0. 0243 in atmospheric window 10. 2- 12.0μm band, the value in Gobi was bigger than that in Oasis. (5)The transmittance and radi-ance in atmospheric window 10. 2 - 12. 0μm band showed a vertical variation; Near thesurface layer, tansmittance is bigger in Gobi while radiance is bigger in Oasis, the maxi-mal discrenpancy between Gobi and Oasis edge were 0. 0427 and 0. 6083W/m^2-ster, whilethe vertical difference was getting smaller and smaller along the height.
Arid Land Geography