Clinical Focus
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4杨玉恒,夏岳,原淑鸿,耿玉兰,戚国庆,刘刚,刘宁,高义双,刘坤申.血清氧磷酶-1活性与冠心病的关系[J].临床荟萃,2005,20(1):1-3. 被引量:3
5郭阳,江新梅.PON的研究进展[J].中国老年学杂志,2008,28(5):518-519. 被引量:6
6Graner M, James RW, Kahri J, et al. Association of paraoxonase-1 activity and concentration with angiographic severity and extent of coronary artery disease[J]. J Am Coll Cardiol,2006,47(12) :2429-2435.
7Gut M, Yildiz A, Demirbag R, et al. Paraoxonase and arylesterase activities in patients with cardiac syndrome X,and their relationship with oxidative stress markers[J]. Coronary Artery Disease,2007,18(2) :89-95.
8Serdar Z,Aslan K,Dirican M,et al. Lipid and protein oxidation and antioxidant status in patients with angiographically proven coronary artery disease[J]. Clin Biochem, 2006, 39 (8) : 794- 803.
9Ng CJ,Shih DM, Hama SY, et al. The paraoxonase gene family and atherosclerosis[J]. Free Radic Biol Med, 2005,38(2) : 153-163.
10Demirbag R, Yilmaz R, Kocyigit A. Relationship between DNA damage,total antioxidant eapaeity and coronary artery disease [J]. Mutat Res, 2005,570(2) : 197-203.
1AYUB A, MACKNESS M I, ARROL S, et al. Serum paraoxonase after myocardial infarction [J]. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 1999,19(2) :330-335.
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5NAVAB M, HAMA S Y,HOUGH G P, et al. High density enzymes: their role in vascular biology[J]. Curr Opin Lipid,1998,9(4) :449-456.
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7SHIH D M, GU L, XIA Y R, et al. Mice laking serum paraoxonase are susceptible to organophosphate toxicity and atherosclerosis[J]. Nature,1998,394(2) :284-28.
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9Babal P, Ruchko M, Olson JW,et al. Interactions between agmatine and polyamine uptake pathways in rat pulmonary artery endothelial cells [ J ].Gen Pharmacol,2000 ;34(4) :255-61.
10Brophy VH, Hastings MD, Clendenning JB,et al. Polymorphisms in the human paraoxonase ( PON1 ) promoter [ J ]. Pharmacogenetics, 2001 ; 11 ( 1 ) :77-84.
1梁媛媛,赵敏.对氧磷酶与冠心病关系的研究进展[J].中华急诊医学杂志,2006,15(9):860-862. 被引量:2
2刘荣欣,田惠玉,闫国超,卢洁,王国欣,闫会敏.心脏X综合征患者血清对氧磷酶-1变化及意义[J].河北医药,2009,31(9):1047-1048. 被引量:3
3唐三华,匡希斌.对氧磷酶生物学特性与心血管疾病研究进展[J].社区医学杂志,2012,10(3):14-16. 被引量:4
4穆小静,于娜娜,宫玉华.PON活性测定方法及其在疾病风险评估中的应用进展[J].化学试剂,2012,34(7):620-624. 被引量:1
5李升,牛熙,徐霖,冉雪琴,王嘉福.香猪对氧磷酯酶基因家族的克隆及序列分析[J].中国畜牧兽医,2012,39(7):15-19. 被引量:2
6赵亚子,许杜娟,李骏.中国冠心病患者PON1 Q192R基因多态性对氯吡格雷临床疗效影响的Meta分析[J].中国临床药理学与治疗学,2016,21(9):1018-1023. 被引量:4
7季麟,茹鲜古丽.艾姆孜,张妍,施蓉,周义军,成晓蒙,王雪梅,田英,高宇.不同对氧磷酶1基因型孕妇有机磷农药暴露与氧化应激水平的相关性[J].上海交通大学学报(医学版),2018,38(2):174-179. 被引量:2
1阎书彩,田惠玉,连晓芳,靳学仁.氧化应激水平变化与慢性心力衰竭严重程度相关性的临床研究[J].河北医药,2010,32(3):314-315. 被引量:5
2阎书彩,田惠玉,连晓芳,靳学仁.血浆B型脑钠肽和氧化应激水平变化与慢性心力衰竭严重程度相关性的研究[J].河北医药,2010,32(6):669-670. 被引量:3
3陶建平,魏盟,陈歆.同型半胱氨酸与舒张性心力衰竭的相关性[J].临床荟萃,2014,29(2):159-161. 被引量:8
8王炳林.氧自由基与病毒性肝炎[J].世界华人消化杂志,1998,6(S2):99-100. 被引量:2
10张锦,纪红梅.甲状腺功能亢进患者血清脂质变化的临床研究(附26例临床分析)[J].中国实用内科杂志,1996,16(12):723-724. 被引量:2