
任务难度对前瞻记忆TAP效应影响的研究 被引量:10

Influences of Ongoing task's Resource Demands on the TAP Effect in Prospective Memory
摘要 前瞻记忆中的TAP效应是指,当进行中任务和前瞻任务加工类型一致时,前瞻记忆成绩要好于两者加工类型不一致时。该研究采用双重任务范式,以大学生为被试,探讨了进行中任务难度对前瞻记忆TAP效应的影响,以揭示注意资源在TAP效应产生中的关键作用。结果表明:当进行中任务难度较低时,没有出现TAP效应,即进行中任务和前瞻任务的加工类型是否一致不会对前瞻记忆成绩产生显著影响;当进行中任务难度较高时,TAP效应部分出现。进一步说,当进行中任务加工类型为语义型时,语义型的前瞻任务成绩要显著好于结构型的前瞻任务成绩;而当进行中任务加工类型为结构型时,前瞻任务的加工类型没有对前瞻记忆成绩产生显著影响。 The transfer-appropriate processing effect in prospective memory refers to the phenomenon that the performance of prospective memory is better when the processing types of the ongoing task and the prospective task are consistent than when they are inconsistent. Using the dual-task experimental paradigm, our research explored the influence of the ongoing task's resource demanding on the TAP effect in prospective memory. The result shows that the differences of the ongoing task's resource demanding do have an effect on the TAP effect in prospective memory. When the ongoing task is easy, whether or not the processing types of an ongoing task and a prospective task are consistent does not affect the performance of prospective memory; when the ongoing task is difficult, whether or not the processing types of the two tasks have an effect on prospective memory depends on the type of ongoing tasks. The TAP effect is found only under the condition of the semantic ongoing task. When the ongoing task requires perceptual processing, the processing type has no influence on the performance of prospective memory.
作者 孙瑶 周仁来
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期528-530,583,共4页 Journal of Psychological Science
关键词 前瞻记忆 TAP效应 任务难度 prospective memory TAP effect tasks' resource demands
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