目的:观察通脉地仙丸治疗慢性脑供血不足(CCC I)的疗效。方法:80例确诊患者随机分为两组,治疗组40例口服通脉地仙丸;对照组40例口服辛伐他汀、氟桂利嗪片、拜阿斯匹林。记录服药前后两组患者脑血管多普勒超声血流图(TCD),头痛、眩晕、头重、耳鸣、失眠、健忘等临床症状,血清SOD、MDA、CRP,血流变和血脂的情况,两组均3个月为1个疗程,1个疗程后统计疗效。结果:治疗组患者脑血管多普勒超声血流图(TCD)指标改善,提高SOD,降低MDA、CRP,头痛、眩晕、头重、耳鸣、失眠、健忘症状改善,血流变、血脂指标改善,与组内治疗前比较(P<0.05,P<0.01),与组间治疗后比较(P>0.05)。结论:通脉地仙丸治疗CCC I疗效明显,且无任何毒副作用。
Objective:To observe the treatment effect of Tongmai Dixian Pill on CCCI. Methods:80 eases of diagnosed patients were randomly divided into 2 groups ,40 cases taking Tongmai Dixian Pill in the treatment group, and 40 cases tacking Simvastatin, Flunarizine, Aspirin in the Control group. The TCD, the symptoms of headache dizziness, he feeling of heaviness of head, tinnitus insomnia foogeetery, and the index of blood serum SOD, MDA, CRP, blood rheology, blood lipid were recorded, before and after treating the 2group ,3months are a course of treatment, and statistiesing effect after a course of treatment. Results:The TCD, the symptoms of headche, dizziness,the feeling of heaviness of head, tinnitus insomnia forgeltery, the index of blood rheology, blood lipid were improved. The level of SOD is elevated while that of MDA and CRP are degraded. Comparing with the same group before treatment (P 〈 0. 05, P 〈 0. 01 ), and comparing with the control group after treatment (P 〉 0. 05 ). Conclusion:The effect of Tongmai Dixian Pill is obvious on the treatment of CCCI,without any side effects.
Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine