
在博物馆、科学中心和展览馆中利用数字技术学习 被引量:1

Learning with Digital Technologies in Museums,Science Centers and Galleries
摘要 本文以博物馆和展览馆等利用数字化技术所提供的学习为综述对象,描述了博物馆学习的相关理论及发展;对在博物馆内、外利用数字化技术进行学习的趋势进行了预测;并针对未来发展趋势,对博物馆学习的设计者和开发者提供了相关建议。 The essay focus the learning enhanced by digital technology in museum and exhibition hall, describes the theory of leaning in museum and its history, prognosticates the trend that technology enhanced learning inside and outside museum, and provides some suggestions to designer and developer of learning in museum based on the trend in future at last.
出处 《远程教育杂志》 CSSCI 2009年第3期43-47,共5页 Journal of Distance Education
关键词 博物馆 科学中心 展览馆 学习 数字技术 Museum Scientific center Gallery Learning Digital technology
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  • 1http://www.futurelab.org.uk/.


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