
寿险销售误导成因及对策分析 被引量:9

Analysis of Reasons and Countermeasures for Misleading in Life Insurance Sales
摘要 寿险业销售误导伴生于产品、渠道、销售方式的创新,并随着创新的逐步推进,误导主体、误导方式、误导产品以及被误导人群也不断发生新变化。从市场反映看,销售误导的危害日趋严重,风险隐患日益突出,已经成为侵蚀寿险业健康发展根基的痼疾。本文分析了其产生根源,查找影响治理效果的关键因素,提出了系统化治理措施。 Accompanying with the new trails in insurance products, sale -channels and sale -methods, sale misguidance of the life insurance is arising, and with the further going of these new trails, the subjects of misguidance, misguiding methods and products vary a lot as well as the people who are misguided. According to the market feedback, sale misguidance is being more and more serious day by day as well as the risks and hidden troubles, which is considered to be the chronic illness to the sound development of life insurance. The thesis is searching the causes of the sale misguidance of life insurance and finding out the key factors that affect the cure, and at last offering the systematic measures to deal with this misguidance.
作者 赵存见
出处 《保险职业学院学报》 2009年第3期33-36,共4页 Journal of Insurance Professional College
关键词 寿险业 销售误导 误导危害 治理困境 对策分析 制度杠杆 Life insurance Sale misguidance Harm of misguidance Difficulties in the cure Analysis on counter measures Lever system
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