
mC3d3-DINHα(1~32)基因免疫对大鼠卵泡发育和生殖激素的影响 被引量:1

Effect of mC3d3-DINHα(1-32)gene immunization on the follicular development and reproductive hormones in rats
摘要 选择32只60日龄雌性性成熟大鼠分为4组,分别肌肉注射pcDNA-DPPISS-DINH(试验组1)50μg,pcD-NA-DPPISS-DINH-mC3d3(试验组2)50μg,空载体pcDNA3.1(对照组1)50μg,生理盐水(对照组2)1 mL。首次免疫204、0 d后各组分别同剂量同样免疫程序加强免疫注射1次。结果发现,试验1和2组卵巢的重量都显著高于对照组1和2,但试验1和2组之间的差异不显著(P>0.05);试验2组卵巢成熟卵泡发育个数和FSH的浓度显著高于试验1组和对照1和2组(P<0.05);加强免疫第40天,试验1、2组的E2的浓度分别显著高于本试验组免疫前第0天,免疫后第20天的激素浓度;试验组与对照组在各个免疫试验时间LH的浓度在统计上差异不显著(P>0.05)。结果证明,应用重组抑制素真核表达质粒pcDNA-DPPISS-DINH-mC3d3(试验组2)免疫动物可以促进大鼠卵泡的发育,可提高血浆FSH、E2水平,为抑制素基因免疫大动物提供了试验依据。 A total of 32 rats, 60-day-old, were divided into 4 groups and immunized (intramuscularly injection) with pcDNA3. 1 50 pig(control 1),recombinant expression plasmid pcDNA-DPPISS-DINH 50 gg(trial 1), pcDNA- DPPISS-DINH-mC3d3 50μg(trial 2) and 0.9 % saline(control 2). Booster was given at day 20,40 after primary im- munization. The results showed that the weight of ovaries had no remarkable differences betwwen 2 trail groups, but much higher than that in 2 controls. The number of matured follicular (MF) in trial 2 group was more than that in the trial 1 group,control 1 and 2 group (P〈0.05) after three immunizations. At 40 days after booster of peDNA- DPPISS-DINH,pcDNA-DPPISS-DINH-mC3d3, the concentration of plasma FSH and E2 were remarkably higher level than that at the days of the primary immunization, but the concentration of plasma LH had no remarkable differences at the same immunizing time. In conclusions,inhibin gene immunization (pcDNA-DPPISS-DINH-mC3d3) stimulated follicular development of rats, raised the level of plasma FSH and E2, which set up the basis of inhibin gene immunizations in large animals
出处 《中国兽医学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期793-796,共4页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项基金资助项目(BRF060104)
关键词 抑制素 C3D 卵泡发育 生殖激素 inhibin C3 d follicular development reproductive hormones
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