
直热式太阳能海水淡化系统试验研究 被引量:4

摘要 针对间接式太阳能海水淡化方法,综合多级闪蒸和低温多效两种系统的优点,设计制造了具有一效蒸发器的直热式太阳能海水淡化试验装置,并对该系统进行了试验,给出了系统在不同闪蒸压力、蒸发压力和最高海水温度下的产水量和性能系数。试验结果表明,系统运行稳定,具有较高产水量和性能系数。在闪蒸压力0.009MPa,蒸发压力0.004MPa条件下,最高海水温度70℃,产水量达到56.38kg·d-1,性能系数为5.68。文中还对闪蒸压力、蒸发压力和最高海水温度对系统产水量和性能系数的影响进行研究分析。 In view of indirect solar desalination methods, integrated with multi stage flash (MSF) and low temperature multi effect distillation (LT-MED), a directly heated solar desalination system with one effect evaporator was designed and produced. An experimental study of the equipment was carried out. The performances of the system were measured. The freshwater yield and performance ratio of the system under variation flash evaporation pressure; distillation pressure and highest seawater temperature were present. The results indicated that the system is stable for system work and has higher freshwater yield and the performance ratio of the system. At the flash evaporation pressure of 0.009 MPa, the distillation pressure of 0.004 MPa, highest seawater temperature of 70℃, the freshwater yield can reach 56.38 kg·d^-1 when performance ratio of 5.68 is obtained. The factors of flash evaporation pressure, distillation pressure and highest seawater temperature that affect on the performance of system were researched and analyzed also.
出处 《水处理技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期53-56,共4页 Technology of Water Treatment
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)课题(2002AA513030)
关键词 海水淡化 太阳能 直接加热 多级闪蒸 低温多效 desalination solar energy directly heated multi stage flash low temperature multi effect distillation
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