Objective To investigate the possible mechanisms of supplemental glucose in edhancirig soluble expression of extragenic protein in E. coli culture. Methods The coding region of catalytic domain of rabbit protein kinase C epsilon (PKCeC) was cloned into pUC18 vector and expressed as a fusion protein with IgG binding domain of staphylococcal protein A. The culture conditions, such as adding of vary concentrations of supplemental components (glucose, acetate and phosphate) and induction duration was invested for enhancing soluble expression of PKCeC. SDS-PAGE and western blot were used to check the expressed protein distribution between cytoplasm and inclusion bodies. Results Addition of glucose into bacterial culture was necessary for soluble expression of PKCeC. The expression of PKCeC was delayed while increasing the glucose concentration.Adding acetate into bacterial culture enhanced the soluble expression of PKCeC further. The effect of acetate on soluble expression of PKCeC was countervailed by addition of phosphate. Gonelusion Addition of glucose in bacterial culture is necessary for soluble expression of PKCeC in E. coli. Such effect of glucose may be based on the acetate production which accompanies the metabolisms of glucose in E. coli. In turn, the effect of acetate come from the acidic change of culture result from increase of acetate in culture.
Journal of Kunming Medical College