
价值观外交与国际政治伦理冲突 被引量:13

Value-Oriented Diplomacy and Conflicts of International Political Ethics
摘要 作为国际政治伦理载体的价值观外交是一种外交方式,也是一种国际政治现象。在国际政治演进过程中,全部的外交政策与国际政治行为无一不是价值判断与道德选择。价值观外交源自国际社会自身的规范性价值体系,根植于西方社会的人文理念与宗教价值之中,构建于其国内政治生态与国民伦理认同的基础之上,具有集利益负载和价值负载于一身的特征。国际政治伦理冲突源自对主权原则之于维系国际秩序的重要性的伦理认知差异、多元化的国际政治伦理主体在道德发展水平上的非均衡性以及由此产生的国际政治伦理共识的有限性。从国际政治伦理冲突的目的、过程与结果来看,价值观外交折射出三个层面的国际政治伦理冲突———权利伦理冲突、行为伦理冲突和责任伦理冲突。 Being a carrier of international political ethics, value-oriented diplomacy is not only a kind of diplomatic manner, but also a sort of international political phenomena. In the evolution process of international politics, all the foreign pollcies and international political behavior are essentially value judgment and moral choice. Originating from normative value systern of international society, rooted in principles of humanities arid religious values of Western world, and based on domestic political ecology and ethical identification, value-oriented diplomacy is the collection of benefits load and value load. Conflicts of international political ethics derives from diversity of ethical identification on the importance of sovereignty principle, moral developmental non-proportionality of diverse international political ethical subjects, and finiteness of international political ethical consensus. In terms of the motive, process and outcome, value-oriented diplomacy reflects international political ethical conflicts of right, behavior and responsibility.
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期66-70,共5页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"全球化背景下的社会主义核心价值体系建设与社会思潮有效引领研究"(07AZX007)
关键词 价值观外交 国际政治 伦理冲突 value-oriented diplomacy international politics ethical conflict
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