
“被”字句谓语动词终结的实现 被引量:1

The Telicity of the Verbs in the "bei"(被)Sentences
摘要 现代汉语"被"字句的关键是要满足终结性,即谓语部分要求包含某种终结点。在考察了大量语料的基础上,本文尝试性地研究了"被"字句谓语动词终结义的表现形式及其限制条件。其中动结式结构是最适合于被动式的谓语形式,是被动句的原型。对于一些影响义内涵的动词,我们可以采用体标记来进行有界化。此外,谓语动词后带宾语和"所"字标记也是谓语动词有界化的手段。 The Modern Chinese bei (被) sentence is subjected to a strict semantic restriction: the predicate must be telic. Making an analysis and observation of language materials, we found that the predicates in bei sentences are most realized by verb-resultative construction, which serves as the pro - totype of bei (被) sentences; markers of aspect can boundarize the verbs implying result; some objects and the marker "suo" can also help to realize boundarization in bei sentences.
作者 王芸华
出处 《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期122-127,共6页 Journal of Henan Polytechnic University:Social Sciences
关键词 “被”字句 动词 终结 定界成分 bei sentence verb telicity boundarization
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