[目的]为利用紫羊茅改良盐碱地及选育耐盐紫羊茅品种提供理论依据。[方法]以紫羊茅种子为材料,分别在2、4、8、12 g/LNaCl及2、4、8、12 g/LNaCl+KCl胁迫下进行发芽试验,以蒸馏水处理为对照,研究盐胁迫对紫羊茅种子发芽特性的影响。[结果]对照组种子发芽率为92%、根最长达10.27 cm、平均根重为0.197 g;低浓度盐胁迫对紫羊茅种子发芽率无明显影响,但随盐胁迫浓度的升高,种子发芽率显著降低,当NaCl为4g/L时,种子发芽率为62%,而当NaCl为12 g/L时,种子发芽率仅为11%;盐浓度为12 g/L时,平均根长和根重分别为1.87 cm和0.0014 g,NaCl、NaCl+KCl处理的种子活力指数分别降至0.0008和0.0101。[结论]盐胁迫对紫羊茅种子发芽有抑制作用。
[ Objective ] The study was to provide the theoretical basis for improving saline land with Festuca arundinacea Schreb and breeding new F. arundimwea variety with salt tolerance. [ Method] With F. arundinacea seeds as the materials, the germination test was conducted under the stress of 2, 4, 8, 12 g/L NaCl and 2,4, 8, 12 g/L NaCl + KCl. With the treatment with distilled water as CK, the effect of salt stress on seed germination characteristics of F. arundinacea was studied. [ Result] The seed germination rate of F. arundinacea in CK group was 92% with longest root of 10.27 cm and mean root weight of 0. 197 g. Salt stress with low concn, had no obvious effect on seed germination rate of F. arundinacea, but with the increase of salt stress cohen. , the seed germination rate significantly decreased. When NaCI was 4g/L, the seed germination rate was 62% , but it only was 11% when NaCl was 12 g/L. When salt was 12 g/L, the average root length and root weight of F. arundinacea were 1.87 cm and 0. 001 4 g resp. and the seed vigor indexes of F. arundinacea in treatments with NaCl, NaCl + KCl were decreased to 0.000 8 and 0.010 1 resp. [Conclusion] Salt stress had inhibition on seed germination of F. arundinacea.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Festuca arundinacea Sehreb
Salt stress
Germination rate