
诱食信息素对日本鳗鲡的诱食效果研究 被引量:7

Study on the Phagostimulating Effect of Phagostimulating Pheromone on Japanese Eel
摘要 [目的]探讨诱食信息素对日本鳗鲡诱食的效果,筛选日本鳗鲡诱食信息素的适宜添加量。[方法]以体重为(31.89±8.95)g的日本鳗鲡为试验对象,采用行为观察法探讨3种浓度(7%、14%、21%)的日本鳗鲡信息素溶液对日本鳗鲡的诱食效果。[结果]浓度变化对日本鳗鲡第1反应时间有显著影响,3个浓度组均能显著降低日本鳗鲡第1反应时间,其中14%浓度组效果显著,鳗鲡第1反应时间仅24.67 s,与对照组相比减少了178.00 s。诱食信息素能显著增大日本鳗鲡咬饵率,诱食信息素浓度对日本鳗鲡咬饵率也有显著影响,其中14%浓度组诱食效果最佳,显著高于其他2种浓度组。[结论]诱食信息素能显著加快日本鳗鲡的摄食反应时间,提高摄食率;该试验中浓度为14%是适宜添加量。 [ Objective ] The aim was to discuss the effect of attracting pheromone on attracting feed of Japanese eel and screen the optimum addition amount of Japanese eel pheromone attraction agent. [ Method ] With the Japanese eel at weight of 31.89 ± 8.95 g as the tested material, the feeding attraction effect of Japanese eel pheromone liquor with 3 concn, of 7% , 14% and 21% on Japanese eel was discussed by using behavior observation method. [ Result ] The conch, change had obvious effect on the first response time of Japanese eel, the 3 concn, groups could all decrease the first response time of Japanese eel remarkably, in which, the effect of 14% concn, groups was remarkable and the first response time of Japanese eel was only 24.67 s and it decreased 178.00 s when comparing with the control group. The attracting pheromone could remarkably increase the biting bait rate of Japanese eel and the attracting pheromone concn, had obvious effect on the biting bait rate of Japanese eel, in which, the attracting effect of 14% concn, group was best and it was higher than 2 other concn, groups remarkably. [ Conclusion] The pheromone attraction agent could obvious increase the feeding reaction time of Japanese eel and increase the feeding rate. The concn, of 14% was the optimum addition amount in this test.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第16期7498-7499,共2页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家863项目(2007AA10Z239) 上海海洋大学研究生科研基金项目
关键词 信息素 诱食剂 日本鳗鲡 迷宫 行为 Pheromone Feeding attractant Japanese eel Maze Behavior
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