
一摸香叶精油对致倦库蚊的生物活性及其成分分析 被引量:20

Bioactivity and chemical composition of essential oil from Zanthoxylum beecheyanum var.alatum leaves against Culex pipens quinquefasciatus (Diptera:Culicidae)
摘要 参照"农药登记卫生用杀虫剂的室内药效评价/驱避剂GB/T17322.10—1998",研究了一摸香鲜叶的水蒸汽蒸馏精油对致倦库蚊的驱避作用;参照"电热片蚊香的室内药效测定方法GB13917.5—1992",测试了该精油对致倦库蚊成蚊的熏杀效果;采用浸液法测试了其对致倦库蚊幼虫及蛹的毒杀活性;并用GC-MS测试分析了其化学成分.结果表明:一摸香叶精油在1.5mg·cm-2剂量下对实验室饲养的未吸血致倦库蚊雌成蚊的驱避100%保护时间为(6.54±0.17)h,对成蚊的熏杀24h LC50值为6.895μg·cm-3,对成蚊的熏蒸KT50值为6.46min(熏蒸剂量为11.850μg·cm-3),对Ⅳ龄期幼虫的24h毒杀LC50值为119.020μg·ml-1.精油中共鉴定出17种化合物,占该精油挥发性成分总量的97.4%.说明一摸香叶精油对致倦库蚊具有显著的驱避作用和极强的毒杀活性. The repellent activity of steam-distilled essential oil from Zanthoxlum beecheyamum var. alarum fresh leaves against Culex pipens quinquefasciatus was evaluated according to the "Laboratory Efficacy Criterions of Public Health Insecticides for Pesticide Registration-Repellent (GB/T 17322. 10-1998 )" with some modifications in test procedure, the fumigating insecticidal activity of the essential oil to Cx. pipens quinquefasciatus adults was assessed by the "Efficacy Test Methods of Public Health Insecticides for Pesticide Registration-Method of Laboratory Efficacy Test for Electric Mat (GB 13917. 5-1992)", and the larvicidal and pupicidal activities of the essential oil against Cx. pipens quinquefasciatus were investigated by immersion method in laboratory. Besides, the chemical components of the essential oil were analyzed and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. At the dosage of 1.5 mg·cm ^-2, the essential oil provided 100% protection against laborato- ry-reared female blood-starved individuals of Cx. pipens quinquefasciatus for (6.54±0. 17 ) h. The 24 h LC50 value of the essential oil for Cx. pipens quinquefasciatus adults was 6. 895 μg · cm^-3 when the fumigating dosage was 11. 850μg · cm^-3, and the KTs0 value of the essential oil for the adults was 6.46 min. The 24 h LC50 value of the essential oil for Ⅳ instar larvae was 119.020μg·ml^-1. Seventeen compounds in the essential oil were identified, accounting "for 97.4% of the total. This essential oil exhibited high repellent activity and remarkable toxicity against Cx. pipens quinquefasciatus.
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1488-1494,共7页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 湖南省自然科学基金项目(08JJ3028) 湖南省教育厅高等学校科学研究重点项目(06A083)资助
关键词 一摸香 致倦库蚊 植物精油 驱避 熏蒸活性 毒杀活性 化学成分 Zanthoxylum beecheyanum var. alatum Culex pipens quinquefasciatus plant essential oil repellency fumigant activity toxicity chemical composition.
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