由伊利亚莫西尼斯基(Elijah Moshinsky)执导的瓦格纳歌剧《罗恩格林》4月27日于英国科文特花园剧院首演,此次是莫西尼斯基导演生涯中第六次为观众呈献《罗恩格林》,但现场的音乐和戏剧的表现水准却天差地别。
Music and drama were not really at one in this sixth revival of Elijah Moshinsky's production of Wagner's Lohengrin,which opened at Covent Garden on April 27.Moshinsky's 32-year old staging was so horrendously inert at times as to make this almost five-hour-long piece seem like a storm in a teacup.There must be more motivation behind it all than just a drawn-out search to discover Lohengrin's name,but any sense of psychological conflict was desperately missing from this revival.