
基于共异变数结构方程式的Web2.0用户心智模型 被引量:3

Mental Model of Web2.0 Users Based on Analyzing by Structural Equation Modeling
摘要 从用户角度,建立基于结构方程式的Web2.0用户心智模型,来探索图书馆用户在Web2.0环境中的态度、行为与认知。透过量化方法和调查,产生一个理论基础,作为描绘在新网络环境下的新用户知识服务的框架。该心智模型能够被用于创建和使用型人。 What library users, attitude, behaviour and cognitive in Web2.0 environment is that under users view by building mental model of Web2.0 users based on structural equation modeling is explored. Through the quantitative research method and this survey, the theory fundament is made as framework to describe new user knowledge service in new network environment. In order to better understand users and development new library service, the mental model can be used to creating and using personas.
作者 顾立平
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第10期45-49,共5页 Library and Information Service
关键词 WEB2.0 LIBRARY2.0 用户行为 共异变数结构方程式 心智模型 Web2.0 library2.0 user behavior structural equation model mental model
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