

Choosing, Balancing, Transcending: the Approach of the Balanced Aesthetics of Schiller
摘要 席勒作为19世纪末期的一位忧虑时代的知识分子,作品中充满了无尽的对一去不复返的自然、完整的人性、过去的怀念。然而他并不沉迷于这种怀旧的情绪,并清醒地意识到现实的不可逆转才是事实的真相。于是,他通过强烈质感的对立,鲜明地摆出了强势的矛盾双方,但阐述问题并不是席勒的最终目的,他所寻求的是"通过美在双重混乱中恢复原状",达到一种平衡的美。这种美的理想状态不是两面的游移、摇摆,更不是抉择,而是通过承认二者的对立,进一步结合,使感性与形式能达到平衡的显现。在二者到达极致,合而为一时,便是这种平衡美的最高境界,超越了平衡的美,以此来达到审美救赎的目的。 Schiller was a concerned intellectual of the 19th century. His works are full of the memory of the integrity of human nature and the past that can never come back. But he does not indulge in such a nostalgic mood, and at the same time he clearly realizes the truth is that reality can never turn back. As a result, he uses the strong sense of opposition to illustrate the two sharp sides of the contradiction. However, interpreting the problem is not the ultimate goal of Schiller, he is in search of "get back to the original state in the double chaos through aesthetics", to achieve the balanced aesthetics. The ideal state of aesthetic is not waving, hesitating, and certainly not to make a choice, but to recognize and further combine the opposite state of the two sides, in order to show the balance of the sensibility and form. And when the two sides come to their extreme state-to become one, that is the best state of the balanced aesthetics, the aesthetics beyond the balance, and to reach the goal of the redemption of the aesthetics.
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第1期158-161,167,共5页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 怀旧 形式 游戏 审美 平衡 nostalgia form spiel aesthetics balance
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