
GI—Ⅱ型粉浆涂塑渗透陶瓷试件的弯曲强度测试 被引量:6

Determination of flexural strength of alumina specimens infiltrated with GI type I glass
摘要 本研究对GI-Ⅱ型镧系、铈系玻璃料渗透Vita In-Ceram氧化铝以后渗透陶瓷试件的三点弯曲强度进行了测试,并与GI-Ⅰ型及Vita In-Ceram玻璃料渗透同种氧化铝的情况进行了对比研究.结果表明:四种玻璃渗透的渗透陶瓷,三点弯曲强度均在366~409MPa.单因素方差分析四组的强度值差异不具有显著性;玻璃成分中以铈部分取代镧是成功的;在玻璃和氧化铝两个影响渗透陶瓷强度的因素中,氧化铝的影响更为关键. In this study, flexural strength of vita In - ceram alumina specimens infiltrated with G1-Ⅱ La and G1-Ⅱ Ce glass were determined by means of three point bending test,and were compared with those of the specimens infiltratedwith G1-Ⅱ and vita In - ceram glass. The results showed:①The flexuralstrength of alumina specimens infiltrated with four glass determined by means of three- point bending test all attained a value of 366-409 MPa, One - way anova revealed an insignificant difference among four groups. ②Partially replacement of La with Ce in the glass proved to be successful. ③Of the two factors which determine the strength of infiltrated ceramic, alumina has greater influence on the flexural strength than glass does.
出处 《口腔材料器械杂志》 1998年第2期63-65,73,共4页 Chinese Journal of Dental Materials and Devices
基金 国家教委博士点基金资助课题
关键词 渗透陶瓷 玻璃料 弯曲强度 全瓷冠桥修复体 Infitrated Ceramic Glass Flexural Strength
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