为了克服化学法脱胶对环境污染严重和单一的生物酶脱胶率低的缺点,研究了大麻纤维机械-生物酶联合脱胶技术,讨论了机械处理的次数与残胶率的关系及通过正交试验确定了酶脱胶的最优工艺参数,即果胶酶浓度8%(o.w.f.)、脱胶时间6 h、脱胶温度50℃、常压、pH=5,浴比1∶15J、FC 2%.用扫描电镜(SEM)对大麻纤维机械-酶脱胶前后的表面形态进行表征.实验结果表明机械-生物酶联合脱胶比单独的酶脱胶效果要好,脱胶后大麻纤维的残胶率为20.4%,比单独酶脱胶下降了8%左右.
Chemical retting causes serious environmental pollution, and enzymatic retting has the draw-back of poor yield. In order to overcome these disadvantages, hemp retting by the combined mechanical and enzymes means was researched. For hemp retting by mechanical means, the relation between times and residual gum content was discussed, and diagonal intersection trial method was used to determine the optimum processing:the processing time period was 6 h, concentration of pectinase enzymes 8%, temperature 50℃,atmospheric pressure,pH value 5, bath ratio 1:15 , JFC 2%. The morphology of hemp after mechanical-enzyme treatment is characterized by SEM. The resuhs show that hemp retting by the combined mechanical and enzyme actions was hetter than enzyme degumming, and the residual gum content reached 20.4M,decreases about 8% in contrast lo emzyme degumming.
mechanical degumming
enzyme degumming