
基于元胞自动机模型的行人排队行为模拟 被引量:3

Simulation of Queuing Behavior Based on Cellular Automata Model
摘要 排队行为模型是常态下行人交通仿真系统模型的基础.本文利用排队论、有限状态自动机原理以及元胞自动机模型对排队系统进行建模.排队行为模型以邻居方向与目标方向间的修正夹角作为主要因子构造了元胞自动机模型的转移概念率函数.利用C#对行人排队行为模型进行实现,并构造了两个不同数量的售票服务台的仿真场景.从仿真动画来看,该模型逼真地模拟行人的排队活动;从不同场景的队长与时间关系曲线可以看出,增加一个售票服务台明显可以减少队列长度,排队系统性能得到改善.由此说明该模型具有模拟行人排队行为的能力. Queuing behavior model is the basis of pedestrian traffic simulation system in normal situation. The paper models queue system using queuing theory, finite state machine principle, and cellular automata model. The queuing behavior model takes modified included angle between goal direction and neighbor direction as the main factors of transition probability function. Then the queuing behavior model is implemented with object-oriented program language-C#. Two simulation scenarios are established with different amount of ticket sales window. The animation of simulation shows that the queuing model effectively simulates queue activities. From the relationship between queue length and time, it can be found that the length of queue can be decrease by adding ticket sales point, and the performance of queue system can also be improved, which demonstrates that the model can be used to simulate the pedestrian queuing behavior.
出处 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 2009年第3期140-145,共6页 Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology
基金 同济大学青年优秀人才培养行动计划(2007KJ027) 上海市自然科学基金(07ZR14120) 吉林教育厅“十一五”规划重点项目(2007-122)
关键词 行人仿真 排队行为 元胞自动机模型 修正夹角 pedestrian simulation queuing behavior cellular automaton model modified included angle
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