

Effect analysis of the training of AIDS prevention and policy discussion among members of Communist Party School
摘要 目的了解山西省委党校学员对艾滋病防治政策、疫情及相关知识的知晓情况,比较培训前后在认知上的变化,探索在党校日常培训中加入艾滋病防治课程的可能性。方法采用问卷调查和深度访谈两种方式对山西省委党校学员开展艾滋病知识培训及政策研讨。结果认为艾滋病快速传播会影响经济发展和社会稳定的学员从83.4%上升到92.3%;认为很有必要了解艾滋病知识的学员从50.0%上升到61.4%;认为艾滋病目前仍不能治愈的学员从77.0%上升到99.0%;知晓仍没有预防艾滋病疫苗的学员从40.0%上升到91.0%。结论部分学员培训前对艾滋病防治政策、疫情、相关知识了解有限,对艾滋病及患者存在一定的歧视态度,培训后有一定改变。提示应在党校开展艾滋病知识讲座和宣传,提高党政领导对艾滋病防治工作的认识。 Objective To learn situation of AIDS policy of prevention and control, epidemic and related knowledge among members of Party School, to compare changes before and after the training, and to explore the probability of adding courses of AIDS prevention and control to ordinary Communist Party School teaching. Methods Questions survey and deep interview were conducted. Results After training, the rate to destroying economical development and social stable through AIDS transfer increased from 83.4% to 92.3%. The percentage of members who thought it was necessary to comprehend AIDS knowledge increased from 50.0% to 61.4%. The percentage of them who realized that AIDS cannot be cured increased from 77.0% to 99.0%. 91.0% of them knew that there was no vaccine available, while the pereentage was 40.4% before the training. Conclusion Some of members had limited information on AIDS policy of prevention and control, epidemic and related knowledge. Some of them tended to have discrimination towards HIV infected persons and AIDS patients before training. To enforce perception of prevention and control AIDS in Communist Party Sehool system, AIDS knowledge should be taught through lecture and advocacy campaigns.
出处 《中国健康教育》 2009年第6期450-451,454,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 世界银行贷款卫生九项目(3201-CHA)
关键词 艾滋病 党校 政策研讨 效果分析 AIDS Communist Party School Policy discussion Effect analysis
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