
中国玉米生产技术的演变与发展 被引量:130

Evolution and Development of Maize Production Techniques in China
摘要 为探索今后玉米增产的途径,本文从单产提高的主要措施、技术特征和增产机理角度,分析了50多年来中国玉米生产技术的演变与发展。从1949至2007年中国玉米单产每公顷提高了4205.1kg,增幅为437.3%,年均增加85.84kg·hm-2;总产由1241.8万吨提高到15230.0万吨,增加了12.3倍,其中单产增加的贡献占68.4%、种植面积扩大的贡献为31.6%,总产量的提高主要依赖于单产的增加。玉米生产技术的发展经历了如下阶段:(1)玉米品种选育由筛选推广优良农家品种——品种间杂交种——双交种、三交种——单交种4个阶段,在杂种优势得到广泛利用后,抗病基因选择、株型改良、保绿与晚熟成为玉米品种产量潜力提高的主要育种技术方向,今后将向着耐密、抗逆、广适、高产和适应机械化作业的新品种选育方向发展;(2)栽培技术表现出由单项适用技术推广、农田条件改善到技术集成与模式化栽培,今后将向以耐密、抗逆、高产品种与机械化为载体的简化高产优质高效栽培方向发展;3)随着种植密度的不断提高,玉米增产的生理机制由提高单株生产力,到改善株型增大群体和保绿、晚熟延长光合与灌浆时间来增大群体生产量,向提高群体整齐度、花后物质高效生产与转移方向发展,同时对群体的抗倒、抗病和适应性提出更高的要求。在以上分析的基础上,提出了近期中国玉米增产的主要技术需求与对策。 To study the approaches for maize yield increase, this paper has analyzed the change and development of maize production techniques in the past 5 decades and more in China from the perspectives of main measures, technical characteristics and mechanisms for per unit area yield increase. The results showed that maize yield per unit area in China increased by 4 205.1 kg or 437.3% from 1949 to 2007, with annual growth rate of 85.84 kg.hm2, and the total yield increased from 12.418 million tons to 152.30 million tons, an increase of 12.3 times, of which 68.4% was contributed by yield increase per unit area and 31.6% by planting area expansion. Total yield increase was mainly relied on yield increase per unit area. Maize production techniques have been developed in breeding and planting. Maize breeding and popularization experienced four stages: selection and popularization of open-pollinated varieties, intervarietal hybrid, double-cross hybrid and triple-cross hybrid, single-cross hybrid. After heterosis was extensively used, disease-resistant gene selection, plant type improvement, green-keeping and late-maturing have become main development trends of breeding techniques to increase maize yield potential. In future, the development trend of maize varieties is close planting, adversity resistance, high adaptability, high yield and adaptability for mechanized operation. Planting techniques has shifted from popularization of individual techniques and improvement of farmland conditions to technical integration and modeled cultivation. In future, varieties suitable for high-density and with high adversity resistance and simplified high-yield and high-effective planting techniques with mechanization as cartier will be the development trend. With constant increase of planting density, the mechanisms for maize yield increase have shifted from yield increase per plant to improvement of plant types, colony enlargement, green keeping, late maturing and increase of colony yield via extension of photosynthesis and filling time, improvement of colony uniformity, and high effective carbohydrate production and translocation alter florescence. In addition, higher requirements have been set for lodging resistance, disease resistance and adaptability of colony. Based on the above analysis, it is proposed the main technical requirements and measures for maize yield increase in the near future in China.
出处 《中国农业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1941-1951,共11页 Scientia Agricultura Sinica
基金 国家“973”计划课题(2009CB118601) 农业科技入户示范工程、国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD15B03)
关键词 玉米 产量 增产因素 发展趋势 maize yield yield increase factor development trend
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