集体林权制度改革核心是明晰产权,规范流转是关键。各地相应建立林权交易中心,建设基于Internet的林权地理信息查询系统,是充分利用集体林权制度改革成果的有效途径和重要手段。本文就应用ArcG IS Server建立林权地理信息网络查询系统进行了一些探索。
The core of reforming the system of collective forest rights is the clarification of clear property rights. In the meantime, regulating the circulation is its key. Setting up the corresponding trading centers in various regions and establishing Internet GIS information system are effective ways of making full use of the achievements of collective forest rights system reform. In this paper, discussion is made on the application of ArcGIS server to estab System for forest rights.
Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology