
Ce对无铅焊锡合金组织及性能的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Cerium on Microstructure and Properties of Lead-free Solder Alloy
摘要 研究了不同稀土Ce含量对Sn3Ag2.8Cu无铅焊锡合金显微组织、熔化特性、铺展性能及蠕变断裂寿命的影响。试验结果表明,添加微量稀土Ce,对合金的熔化特性影响不大,但能够明显改善合金的铺展性能,当稀土质量分数为0.1%时,铺展面积提高约50%;同时,适量稀土的添加,能够显著细化无铅焊锡合金组织,但Ce质量分数超过0.1%,在组织中会出现稀土化合物;适量稀土Ce能够显著延长Sn3Ag2.8Cu钎料接头在室温下的蠕变断裂寿命,当稀土Ce质量分数为0.1%时,蠕变寿命达到Sn3Ag2.8Cu钎料的9倍以上。综合考虑,最佳稀土Ce质量分数为0.05%~0.1%。 The effects of the Ce content on the microstructure, the melt properties, the spreadability and the creep rupture life of the Sn3Ag2.8Cu lead-free solder alloy were studied. The results show that the melt properties of the Sn3Ag2.8Cu solder aren't significantly effected by the trace Ce, but the spreadability can be obviously improved, it is improved by about 50% compared with Sn-3Ag- 2.8Cu at Ce mass fraction of 0.1% ;the microstructure is finer by adding a proper amount of Ce, but some RE compound are found in the microstructure when mass fraction of Ce is more than 0.1% ; the creep rupture life of the solder joint could be remarkably improved, up to 9 times more than that of Sn3Ag2.8Cu solder joints at Ce mass fraction of 0.1%. Summarily, the mostsuitable mass fraction of Ce is within 0.05% -0.1%.
出处 《铸造技术》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第6期760-763,共4页 Foundry Technology
基金 西安石油大学陕西省材料加工工程重点学科 西安石油大学青年基金资助项目(2005-47)
关键词 无铅焊锡合金 CE 铺展性能 显微组织 蠕变断裂寿命 Lead-free solder alloy Cerium Spreadability Microstructure Creep-rupture life
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