
The Awakening:Rethinking on the Relationships of Women's Self-being,Family Responsibility,and Social Harmony

The Awakening:Rethinking on the Relationships of Women's Self-being,Family Responsibility,and Social Harmony
摘要 The Awakening stressed that if women wanted to gain self-being and self-independence they should abandon family and social responsibilities.This thought is too extreme.Women's real freedom and independence could not be gained out of family and social responsibilities.And family responsibilities should not be seen as the fetter to women's pursuit of self-being and self-independence,or it will cause a few problems in marriage and hurt themselves and other persons.Women's real awakening is that there are no conflicts between family and women's self-being.Only based on social harmony and family responsibilities,women could gain real self-being and that is women's real awakening. The Awakening stressed that if women wanted to gain self - being and self - independence they should abandon family and social responsibilities. This thought is too extreme. Women's real freedom and independence could not be gained out of family and social responsibilities. And family responsibilities should not be seen as the fetter to women~ pursuit of self - being and self - independence, or it will cause a few problems in marriage and hurt themselves and other persons. Women's real awakening is that there are no conflicts between family and women's self- being. Only based on social harmony and family responsibilities, women could gain real self - being and that is women's real awakening.
作者 廖晓
出处 《中国校外教育》 2009年第6期30-31,共2页 AFTERSCHOOL EDUCATION IN CHINA
关键词 社会责任 社会学 个人 家庭生活 The Awakening freedom and independence self- being family and social responsibilities social harmony
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