
SDS-PAGE方法比较研究大麦及麦芽中热稳定性水溶蛋白 被引量:2

SDS-PAGE methods for comparative study of the heat-stable water-soluble proteins from barley and malt
摘要 大麦水溶蛋白对啤酒泡沫的形成、稳定和结构起着主要的作用,利用Bradford法和SDS-PAGE电泳技术对大麦及麦芽中的热稳定性水溶蛋白组成进行了分析和比较,结果显示,不同大麦品种的热稳定水溶蛋白组成相似,且在发芽过程中有所增加。大麦和麦芽中的热稳定水溶蛋白与啤酒中的蛋白组分相似,硅胶吸附能够除去部分蛋白质Z,从而根据大麦或麦芽中的热稳定水溶蛋白组成预测啤酒中的蛋白组成,以便改进制麦和酿造技术获得高质量的麦芽和啤酒。 Water-soluble barley proteins play a major role in the formation, stability, and texture of head foams. Sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) and Bradford methods were used for comparative studying the heat-stable water-soluble proteins from barley and malt in this paper. The result showed that different barley variety samples presented similar heat-stable water-soluble protein profile, and protein content increased during the germination process. As expected, from barley to malt and beer, most of the heat-stable water-soluble proteins were similar, and some protein Z could be eliminated by silica gel absorption. Therefore, the beer protein profile could be evaluated according to the heat-stable water-soluble protein profile of barley or malt, which involved in the development of high-quality value malt and beer by improving the malting and brewing technology.
出处 《食品科技》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第6期255-258,共4页 Food Science and Technology
基金 "十一五"国家科技支撑计划重点项目(2007BAK36B01)
关键词 大麦 热稳定性水溶蛋白 泡沫蛋白 电泳 barley heat-stable water-soluble proteins foam-active protein SDS-PAGE
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