
早期补救ICSI的安全性和应用价值 被引量:58

The security and clinic results for early rescue ICSI
摘要 受精是辅助生殖技术中的重要环节,是精卵相互作用严格有序而又协调发育的复杂过程。常规体外受精-胚胎移植(in vitro fertilization—embryo transfer,IVF—ET)的平均受精率约60%~80%。受精一旦失败,可能没有胚胎移植,患者被迫放弃周期。 Objective: To evaluate the security and clinic results of early rescue intracytoplasmic sperm injection rescure ICSI). Methods:The IVF fertilization failure cycles provided the oocytes for rescue ICSI 6h after initial insemination,the fertilization and embryo quality, clinical results and the state of babies were observed. Results: No obvious fertilization difference was observed between 6 h rescure ICSI and conventional IVF or ICSI. Embryo quality was better than late rescue. Sex ratio of infants born without deviation,normal birth weight, no serious birth defects were observed. From 6 h rescue ICSI, clinical pregnancy rate was 53.3% ,implantation rate was 38.0% ,and take baby home rate was 44.8%. Conclusions: The application of early rescue ICSI had the distinct improvement for the fertilization failure patient's clinical result,without growing security risk, to prove the method feasibility.
作者 孙海翔
出处 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第3期195-197,共3页 Journal of Reproductive Medicine
关键词 受精失败 ICSI 补救 安全性 妊娠 Fertilization failure ICSI Rescue Security Pregnancy
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