目的研究剪接因子SF2/ASF在儿童白血病不同治疗阶段骨髓细胞的表达及在白血病细胞系中的表达变化。方法用Western blotting方法检测儿童急性B淋巴细胞性白血病(acute B-lymphoblastic leukemia,B-ALL)初诊和缓解骨髓细胞中SF2/ASF的表达变化情况;用Western blotting检测B-ALL细胞系SF2/ASF的表达,并用化疗药物长春新碱和阿糖胞苷体外诱导NALM-6细胞系,观察诱导前后SF2/ASF表达的改变。结果Western blotting检测结果显示SF2/ASF在初诊B-ALL患儿骨髓细胞中明显表达,而在缓解期白血病患儿及对照特发性血小板减少性紫癜(idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,ITP)患儿骨髓中仅有微弱表达;SF2/ASF在NALM-6细胞系中表达升高;用长春新碱、阿糖胞苷处理后,SF2/ASF表达明显减少。结论SF2/ASF在初诊B-ALL患儿骨髓或白血病细胞系中表达升高,随着临床缓解或体外化疗药物诱导后表达减少,可以作为监测白血病治疗效果的指标之一。
Objective To investigate the expression of splicing factor SF2/ASF in pediatric acute B-lymphoblastie leukemia( B- ALL) cells and in leukemia cell lines treated with chemotherapeutic agents. Methods The protein levels of SF2/ASF were measured in bone marrow samples during preliminary diagnosis and complete remission(CR) B-ALL children by Western blotting; the protein levels of SF2/ASF, before and after vincristine and cytarabine treatment of B-ALL cell line of NALM-6, were also detected by Western blotting. Results Western blotting showed there was a strong SF2/ASF expression in children with preliminarily diagnosed B-ALL children compared with that in children who had complete remission and in children of the control group composed of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura(ITP) cases; high expression of SF2/ASF was detected in NALM-6 cell lines, but the expression reduced after treatment with cytarabine and vincristine. Conclusion Splicing factor SF2/ASF was expressed significantly higher in bone marrow of B-ALL children and leukemia cells, but was down-regulated in CR patients and in B-ALL cells treated with cytarabine and vincristine, indicating that SF2/ASF is a practical marker for monitoring outcome of B-ALL treatment.
Journal of Capital Medical University