文章描述了TFT_LCD驱动芯片防静电(ESD)保护电路的布局,重点分析和设计了TFT_LCD驱动芯片GATE和SOURCE引脚的ESD保护电路。ESD保护电路布局上,采用两排ESD电路错开呈"品字形"排列,使ESD电流均匀流通。在GATE保护电路中,采用二极管接法代替通用PMOS,防止电路产生Latch-up效应。SOURCE的保护电路中,NMOS的Drain设计了RPO(Resist Protection Oxide),使流经Drain的电流均匀分散,使二次击穿电压升高。
This paper describes the layout of TFT_LCD driver IC's ESD protection. It mainly analyzes and designs ESD protection for GATE & SOURCE pin in TF3- LCD driver IC. It is adopted that triangle-shaped arrangement In two line ESD circuit is adopted to make the electric current pass equably. In the GATE protected circuit, voltage diode replace PMOS, avoid produce Latch-up phenomena. In the SOURCE protected circuit, Drain of NMOS adapted RPO design that make the current through Drain separated equably, The second breakdown voltage of NMOS is raised.
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