Lignin is partically covalently linked to the poysacchchdes to form lignin - carbohy-drate complexes (LCC) in the Papermaking materials. On the other hand, during the PtilPmakingprocess, as the alkali concentration is high, xylan is pwhy dissoved in cooking liqUor, whi1e tllecook pmceeds, the alkali concentration decrease below a critical POint, de^ed, chorter cllain- xyan Precipitates in a more or less crytalline on the aniface of ndallril. The hendCellulooe^ning in th pu1p are closely associated with and even chemically bound to the residual lignin.The pnd of xyan initally dissoved in the cooking liquor can be reabsorbed or redeposited on theschce of pulp fibres. The redeposited xylan may physically shield the residual lignin frombleaching chendcds. As xylanase hydrolyzes the part of redeposided xylan, the bleaching chemicals are easily allowed better access to degrade and extrat the residual lignin from pulp fibres.Another explanation for xyanase action in bleaching is that the degradatin and solubilizatin of the xyan by xyanase aooears ti reduce the molecular mass of LCC, and facilitates easier removalof solubilized lighin in bleaching process. The mechanism of xylanase pretreatment shows that the empe betment based largely on the action of endoxyanase removes some of the reprecipted xylan, increasing the Permeability of the fibres and thus the extraction of lignin from them. Xyhaase heatmnt improves pulp bleachability, resulting in a sugniticant reduchon in chemdcals -consumphon. Another imporiant role chows that xyanase beatment reduces the AOX in bleachingdeuents. The xylanase treatlnnt as one stage is cowhined with the other bleaching stages whichinclude washing stage and chemical beatment stage. The paper showed that the replacement ofchlorine - based chendcals can' t be achieved by xyanase beatmnt aline.
Journal of Cellulose Science and Technology
xylanase, xylan, reprecipitate, LCC, residual-lignin, biological bleaching