
北京市就餐者对餐馆不同禁烟规定的态度 被引量:5

Customers' Attitudes to Implementation of the Different Smoking Bans in Restaurants in Beijing
摘要 目的了解北京市就餐者对餐馆不同禁烟规定的态度。方法于2007年以方便抽样的方式对北京市朝阳区两家餐馆(一家为完全禁烟规定,另一家为部分禁烟规定)的就餐者在进餐前进行问卷调查。结果共有效调查就餐者213人,其中男性93人,女性118人。非吸烟者对"烟草危害健康"正确回答率高于吸烟者(P<0.05)。73.7%的就餐者认为"寻找有禁烟规定的餐馆就餐有困难",非吸烟者在寻找有禁烟规定的餐馆就餐时所遇到的困难大于吸烟者(P<0.05)。餐馆禁烟会影响吸烟者与非吸烟者对餐馆的选择,差别有统计学意义(χ2=22.12,P<0.05),实施餐馆禁烟规定会使非吸烟者增加去禁烟餐馆就餐的次数。完全禁烟餐馆的就餐者认为该餐馆实施"非常好"的比例高于部分禁烟餐馆(χ2=20.03,P<0.05)。结论就餐者普遍支持餐馆禁烟规定。卫生部门应该进一步加强烟草危害健康相关知识的宣传力度。 Objective To explore the attitude to implementation of the different smoking bans among customers in restaurants in Beijing. Methods Customers were selected by accidental samphng from two restaurants (one was partial ban on smoking, the other was complete ban on smoking) in Chaoyang District Of Beijing and were investigated with a uniform questionnaire. Results 213 customers were investigated, male was 93, female was 118.73.3% customers beheved that there were some difficult to find smoke-free restaurants to have dinner. There were more difficulties for non-smokers to search for smoke-free restaurants than smokers. Customers choice of restaurants was affected by whether the restaurant adopt smoking bans or not (X2=22.12, P〈0.05), implementation of the smoking bans in restaurants would increased the times that non smokers had dinner, but it would reduced the times that smokers did; The proportion of customers who supported the complete ban on smoking was higher than that in partial ban on smoking (X2=-20.03, P〈 0.05). Conclusion Most customers support the smoke-free pohcy in restaurants, it is urgent for heath departments to expand propaganda on health knowledge related to tobacco harmfulness.
出处 《中国慢性病预防与控制》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第3期244-246,共3页 Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases
基金 美国Roswell Park Cancer Institute TTURC基金资助项目(TTURCP50CA111236)
关键词 无烟餐馆 就餐者 烟草 态度 Smoke-free restaurant Customer , Tobacco Attitude
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