
晴空状态下飞机尾流的雷达反射模型 被引量:3

A Radar Reflectivity Model of Aircraft Wake Vortices in Clear Air
摘要 尾流对电磁波的散射主要是由于飞机在大气中飞行时对大气扰动使其折射率改变引起的。尾流的形状大小及强度等主要由飞机飞行重量、飞行速度及机翼结构等参数决定。利用尾流预测模型得到了在仿真区域内各离散网格点上的水蒸汽、位温等保守被动参量的值,并由此分析了尾流大气中折射系数的起伏特性,构建了晴空状态下飞机尾流的折射系数起伏的雷达反射模型。根据层流理论的Bragg散射原理得出飞机尾流RCS随频率、时间变化的关系,为飞机尾流的电磁散射特性计算提供了很好的电磁模型。 The interaction of the wake vortex system with electromagnetic radiation occurs due to the electrical characteristics of the atmosphere mixed by the wake vortex system. As an airplane passes through the atmosphere, the refractive index of the atmosphere would be changed. The size and intensity of the wake vortex system are determined by the mass, velocity and wing structure of the aircraft. Using the vortex predictive model to simulate wake vortex system, the dispersed gridding value of the water vapour and potential temperatures are obtained. By analysiing the fluctuation characteristic of the refractive index of atmosphere, a radar reflectivity model based on refractive index fluctuation is constructed. According to laminar Bragg scatter theory, the relationship between wake vortex RCS, fre- quency and time could be obtained. It can provide an electromagnetic model to calculate the electromagnetic scatter characteristic of aircraft wake vortex.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期78-81,共4页 Computer Simulation
基金 总装备部武器装备探索研究项目(7130620)
关键词 飞机尾流 对流扩散方程 尾流可视化仿真 雷达反射模型 折射系数起伏 Aircraft wake vortex Convection - diffusion equation Wake vortex visual simulation Radar reflectivity model Refractive index fluctuation
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