火箭基循环发动机作为飞行器的推进系统,同时兼顾较大推重比和高比冲,将火箭基组合循环发动机和类乘波飞行器机身一体化,考察其对飞行器弹道性能的影响,具有深远意义。对类乘波飞行器飞行弹道分别建立大气模型、动力学模型、空气动力模型和推进模型,采用龙格-库塔法研究其弹道性能随时间的变化趋势,结果表明该飞行器在助推结束后消耗燃料少,占总质量的比重不超过5%,且助推结束后前50 s速度和飞行航道倾角变化剧烈,随后变化渐趋平缓,利于控制,能够满足未来空天飞行器对安全性和可靠性的要求。
RBCC engine can satisfy low- cost and high -performance requirements, which takes the advantage of traditional rocket and airbreathing propulsion systems. It is important to do some researches on the trajectory performance of vehicles by integrating RBCC engine and airframe. The Runge - Kutta method was introduced to build the models including atmosphere model, dynamics model, aerodynamics model and propulsion model which were used to analyse the history of trajectory performance, finding that the consumed fuel is less after boost phase and it is only 5% of total mass. In the first 50s after boost phase, the velocity and flight path angle are changed dramatically, later they change gently and it is better to control in the descending phase, can satisfy the requirements of security and reliability of future single - stage - to - orbit vehicle.
Computer Simulation