为了减少地形动态变化时的地形计算时间,满足动态地形实时可视化的需要,在地形渲染库libMini的基础上,依据地形动态变化的局部性特点,以及库中LOD(Level of Detail)算法的具体实现方式,运用局部更新的思想,提出了一种动态地形实时计算和渲染算法。算法避免了在地形动态变化时进行大量重复计算,使得在地形动态变化时所需的计算量大大减少,达到实时渲染要求。实验表明,算法使得局部地形动态变化时地形计算和渲染的时间从秒级降低到毫秒级,可以满足实时渲染要求。
In order to reduce the time of terrain calculation when terrain changes dynamically, and to meet the requirement in real - time visualization of dynamic terrain, an algorithm is proposed for real - time calculating and rendering of dynamic terrain. According to the characteristics of local change to dynamic terrain and based on libMini terrain rendering library and its implementation of LOD (Level of Detail) algorithm, an algorithm is proposed using the idea of partial updating. The algorithm can avoid much reiterating calculation and reduce the calculation dramatically when terrain changes dynamically, thus meeting the requirement of real - time rendering. Experiments show that the time of terrain calculating and rendering is reduced from second - level to millisecond - level when local terrain changes dynamically and can meet real -time rendering requirements.
Computer Simulation