随着生物技术越来越多的介入到燃料乙醇的生产中,联合生物工艺(consolidated biopricessing)—CBP,因其可将纤维酶生产、纤维素水解和酒精发酵融合于一步工艺中完成,更是成为其中的亮点。为使联合生物工艺成为可能,以两种途径对所需微生物进行改造:一种是天然纤维降解微生物改造途径,将天然存在的可降解纤维素的微生物,尤其是厌氧微生物进行改造,以使其适应CBP生产的要求;另一种是重组途径,通过基因重组的方式将不能降解纤维的微生物获得降解纤维素的能力,并且生产的产品性质符合CBP的要求。两种途径的对微生物的改造,无论从经济性和社会效益,都将为高能耗时代的今天,提供一种低成本的燃料乙醇生产方式。
Nowadays, with more and more biotechnology were used in the production of fuel alcohol, (CBP)-featuring cellulase production, cellulose hydrolysis and fermentation in one step-was becoming one potential approach for its outstandings. In general, consolidated bioproeessing CBP was denveloped through two strategies. One was accompished by reforming the way of decomposing microbes by natural fibers. In order to meet the demand of the production of CBP, a reforming use was made for nature-born microbes especially oxygen-loathing ones. Another was accomplished by reconstructing, which enabled microbes can't decompose fibers to acquire the ability of decomposing as well as to meet the demand of CBP. The above two ways, no matter the consideration of economy and social benefits, can both offer us resolutions to produce fuel alcohol with less input at present-a time when everything was consumed too much.
GuangZhou Chemical Industry