
论我国企业核心竞争力的辨识和培育 被引量:2

Identification and Cultivation of Chinese Enterprises' Core Competitiveness
摘要 概括了国内外企业理论中有关企业核心竞争力研究的主要成果并指出了其中的不足之处,进而明确了本文的研究方向,即,从两个方面展开对企业核心竞争力的研究,一方面从有关概念、力的空间分布、分布的层次和力的整合四个角度来辨识企业的核心竞争力,为我国企业辨识自己的核心竞争力提供科学的工具;另一方面,根据对企业核心竞争力的辨识,从企业集团的核心竞争力现状的调查研究、构建和完善企业集团竞争力体系、明确增强企业集团竞争力的方法路径等三个方面设计出了如何培育我国企业的核心竞争力的路径和方法。 This thesis generalizes the main results and inadequacies of the research on enterprises core competitiveness. Then it indicates this paper will study the enterprises core competitiveness from two aspects. On one hand, from the concepts, the spatial distribution of power, the levels of the distribution and the integration of power, this thesis provides a scientific tool for Chinese enterprises to identify the core competitiveness. On the other hand, based on the identification of the enterprises core competitiveness, this paper designs the paths and methods of how to cultivate Chinese enterprises' core competitiveness from three ways, such as to investigate and study on the status of the enterprise groups'core competitiveness, to build and improve the competitiveness system of the enterprise groups, and to clear the approach path of how to enhance the enterprise groups" competitiveness.
作者 李正图
出处 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期50-58,共9页 Shanghai Journal of Economics
关键词 核心竞争力 辨识 培育 Core Competitiveness, Identification, Cultivation
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