

Query scheme and its optimization for distributed data stream
摘要 流式数据库系统是一种新型数据库系统,方便于执行连续数据流查询。许多基于流的应用都是分布式的,由于输入流速率及其他系统参数如可用的计算资源是易变的,所以一个流查询方案必须能适应这些变化。提出一种分布式流查询方案并进行了优化,使用元组响应时间及系统吞吐量来评价方案的性能。同时,通过实验和其他方案进行比较,证明了方案是最佳的。 Stream database system is a new type of database system designed to facilitate the execution of queries to continuous streams of data. Many stream-based applications are inherently distributed. Since input stream rates and other system parameters such as the amount of available computing resources can fluctuate significantly, a stream query plan must be able to adapt to these changes. This paper proposed a distributed stream query plan and optimized, and defined performance metrics for response time and system throughput. The experimental result proves that this plan is optimal compared with other plans.
作者 徐署华 胡君
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1771-1774,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 教育部高职高专计算机类专业教指委科研资助项目(jzw59010817)
关键词 分布式数据流 查询方案 查询优化 路由策略 distributed data stream query plan query optimization routing policy
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