The model of immune-mediated aplastic anenda in Balb/c mice was established by means of sublethal dose of radioactive ray irradiation and infusion of lymphocyte of thymus gland of DBA/2 mice. The mice were fed with three concentrated herbal decoctions respectively for supplementing qi and activating blood circulation, warming and invigorating the spleen and kidney, strengthening the body resistance and removing toxic substances,once daily with a dosage of 0. 5ml. The effects of these prescriptions and their therapeutic mechanism were observed. The results showed that these prescriptions could increase TH lymphocyte, reduce TS lymphocyte, raise TH/TS ratio and lessen the inhibition and injury of hematopoietic cell of bone marrow due to dysimmunity. These actions help the repaire and rebuild of hematopoietic cell of bone marrow.
Journal of Emergency in Traditional Chinese Medicine