以烟草二萜化合物为原料,采用1,2-丙二醇为溶剂,通过一定的工艺优化和处理,开发适用于烟草调香的一类特征化合物。试验结果表明:二萜化合物与溶剂的比例以1:100为最佳、反应釜空气流量5 L/h、反应温度160℃、反应时间2 h。烟草二萜浸膏通过氧化降解处理后共得到11种特征降解产物,经嗅香辨别和评吸结果表明,烟草二萜类化合物的降解物在卷烟加香上具有广阔的应用前景和开发价值。
Utilizing tobacco diterpenoids as the raw material and 1,2-propanediol as the solvent, a type of tobacco flavoring was developed and it could be applied in tobacco industry successfully. The degradation technologies were optimized as followings: the ratio of diterpenoids to 1,2-propanediol was 1%, air feed rate was 5 L/h, reaction temperature was 160℃ and reaction period was 2 h, respectively. More than 11 compounds were detected in the degradation products of diterpenoids by the analysis of GC/MS. With the aid of sensory evaluation and test, the degradation products of diterpenoids had a splendid performance in improving the quality of mainstream smoke and side-stream smoke of tobacco. The degradation products promise a broad prospect in the field of tobacco industry.
The Food Industry