
基于Java3D的三维栅格生成与可视化 被引量:1

Three-dimensional raster data creation and visualization on Java3D
摘要 针对在实际生产过程中采样点数据之间的相关性对生成的三维栅格数据影响的问题,使用了八分域搜索算法以及实验变差函数来改进原有的距离反比加权算法。该方法能够减少搜索距离以及丛聚效应,并且使用Java3D创建了三维可视化的虚拟场景,对最终生成的三维栅格进行显示。最后,通过可视化的效果,证明改进后的算法更符合实际情况。 According to the problem that the sampling data' s correlation impacted the generated three-dimensional raster data in the actual production process, the paper proposed a modified inverse-distance weighting (IDW) method. The method used a octant-search approach and experimental variation function to reduce the cluster effects and search distance, and adopted Ja- va3D as virtual 3D-visualization environment so that the generated three-dimensional raster data could be showed in the envi- ronment. Finally, it proved that the modified method is fitter for the reality by the result of visualization.
作者 陈学工 赵灿
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期2759-2761,共3页 Application Research of Computers
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2006AA06Z114)
关键词 三维栅格 八分域搜索 实验变差函数 距离反比加权 丛聚效应 JAVA3D three-dimensional raster octant-search experimental variation function IDW cluster effects Java3 D
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