The fatigue properties of the composite of 6061Al reinforced by 15v.-%
SiC particles sized to 10--2.5μm have been examined in comparison with 6061Al.
The microprocess of fatigue crack initiation and propagation as well as dislocation
structure have also been studied using SEM and TEM. For the composites reinforced
by SiC particles of two different sizes, the fatigue strength of both at 10~7 cycles is
196 MPa, i.e. 25% greater than that of matrix alloy. If cycling life below 10~7, the
fatigue strength of composite reinforced by coarse SiC particles is better than that
by fine particles. The voids and microcracks initiated at and near the interface be-
tween SiC_p and matrix, where the higher density dislocations are presented, will pro-
pagate and link up to form the fatigue crack. It is an important evidence to note
that the dislocation channels where screw dislocation can travel are formed near inter-
face and corner region of SiC_p in the composite subjected to fatigue stress, demon-
strating the relationship between fatigue crack initiation and dislocation movement
in the SiC particles reinforced 6061Al composite.
Acta Metallurgica Sinica