
北京市丰台区2002-2008年性传播疾病流行趋势分析 被引量:14

Epidemic trends of sexually transmitted diseases in FengTai district of Beijing from 2002 to 2008
摘要 目的了解北京市丰台区近年来性传播疾病(STD)流行特征及流行规律,为进一步开展辖区STD的预防控制工作提供科学依据。方法对2002-2008年各医疗机构报送的丰台辖区的性病疫情信息进行统计分析。结果辖区内2002-2008年共报告STD病例15900例,其中男性10579例,女性5321例,男女比例为1.99∶1。年龄最大94岁,最小的4天,其中20~40岁年龄组占71.65%。已婚者与未婚者的比例为2.68∶1。主要集中在工人(13.47%)、干部(15.55%)及无业者(19.89%)。年平均报告发病率为151.33/10万,各种STD报告发病专率由高到低依次为淋病(43.57/10万)、尖锐湿疣(38.77/10万)、非淋菌性尿道炎(非淋)(36.97/10万)、梅毒(23.61/10万)、生殖器疱疹(4.51/10万)、HIV感染(3.21/10万)、艾滋病(0.69/10万)。结论2002-2008年,丰台区性病平均报告发病率虽然呈逐年下降趋势,以非淋、淋病下降趋势明显,但HIV感染者、艾滋病(AIDS)及梅毒报告发病率升高,尤其是HIV感染者、AIDS升高趋势明显。预计此趋势在未来几年中仍将延续,建议根据STD的发病趋势制定丰台区性病防治策略。 Objective To describe the epidemiology of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and to analyze trends of the distribution of reported STDs cases in FengTai district of Beijing from 2002 to 2008 so as to provide baseline information for STDs prevention and control. Methods Database of reported STDs cases in FengTai district from 2002 to 2008 was analyzed. Results A toal of 15,900 STDs cases were reported in Fengtai district from 2002 to 2008. Of the reported cases 10,579 were males,and 5,321 were females. The ratio of males to females was 1.99: 1. The age ranged from 4 days to 94 years; 71.65 % of the cases were aged 20--40 years. The ratio of the married to the bachelor was 2.68 : 1. The majority of the STDs cases were workers (13.47%) ,officers (15.55) and unemployed (19.89%). The average incidence rate of overall STDs was 151.33 per 100 thousand per year. The average specific incidence rates of gonorrhea, condyloma acuminatum, nongonococeal urethritis, syphilis, genital herpes, HIV infection and AIDS were 43.57,38. 77,36.97,23, 61,4.51,3.21 ,and 0. 69 per 100 thousand per year,respectively. Conclusion While the incidence rates of STDs has continued to decrease from 2002 to 2008,especially for nongonococcal ure- thritis and gonorrhea,the incidence rates of AIDS and syphilis are increasing. This trend may continue over the next few years. It is necessary to develop taygeted strategy to prevent and control STDs in Feng Tai district.
作者 白俊梅
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2009年第3期295-297,共3页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
关键词 性传播疾病 流行趋势 监测 分析 Sexually transmitted diseases Epidemic trends Surveillance Analysis
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