
孕期营养对子代大鼠学习认知能力的影响 被引量:1

Effects of Maternal Nutrition on Offspring Rats' Learning and Memory Abilities
摘要 目的探讨妊娠期宫内营养干预对于子代大鼠学习认知能力的影响。方法妊娠大鼠从确定妊娠第1天起分别采用低蛋白饲料(含7%蛋白质)、高蛋白饲料(含30%蛋白质)和标准饲料(含18%蛋白质)喂养,直至正常分娩。子代大鼠喂养至8周龄进行Morris水迷宫实验。结果低蛋白组仔鼠出生体重比对照组低22.50%。在水迷宫的定向航行实验中,对照组子代大鼠的逃避潜伏期和上台前路程随训练天数增加逐渐缩短,而低蛋白组在第2天明显缩短后第3天和第4天的变化不明显。高蛋白组的变化趋势和低蛋白组基本接近。结论娠期蛋白质营养干预对子代大鼠学习过程的时间模式和学习速度产生影响。宫肉不良环境可能通过影响胎儿宫内发育进而影响了子代的晕习认知能力。 Objective To examine the long-term effects of prenatal protein malnutrition on learning and memory abilities of offspring rats. Methods Maternal rats were randomly divided into three groups: low-protein group which received a 7% of protein diet, high-protein group which received a 30% of protein diet, and control group that received an 18% of protein diet. The offspring rats of these three groups were tested for visual-spatial learning and memory abilities in Morris water maze performed on postnatal 8th week. Results The birth weight of the offspring rats in the low-protein group was lower than that in the control group by 22.50%. In the water maze behavior training, two different pattern of learning and memory were implied. Unlike the control group which learned to swim to the platform gradually at a constant speed, the low- and high-protein group learned faster then cut the speed down. Conclusion Our study demonstrates that prenatal protein malnutrition has impact on the pattern and speed of offspring rats' learning and memory.
出处 《实验动物与比较医学》 CAS 2009年第3期172-176,共5页 Laboratory Animal and Comparative Medicine
基金 上海市科委重点项目资助[064909006].
关键词 孕期营养 学习认知能力 子代大鼠 水迷宫 Maternal nutrition Learning and memory Offspring rats Morris water maze
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